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Red Paramount is a Canadian emerging steel feed production company that is fully committed to reducing global emissions by producing zero-emission green steel feed. 

We are focused on using sustainable extraction and processing of iron ore and green energy technologies to minimize the climate impact and material footprint through the value chain of steel production. Our prime focus is on developing the Lac Virot Iron Ore Project to become a significant producer of emission-free green steel in Canada’s leading iron ore-producing region.



The iron and steel industry has been a significant contributor to the cause of this looming climate crisis, responsible for 11% of globally emitted CO2 and 8% of the total energy demand in the world. With 2,500 million tonnes projected growth in the market till 2050, the steel industry needs an immediate change of direction to a process that eliminates carbon emissions in a full-development cycle of steel.

At Red Paramount, we use sustainable extraction and processing of iron ore and employ available clean-energy technologies through the full-value production cycle of green steel with zero emissions. Our approach ensures that we meet the increasing demand for steel sustainably while contributing to global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Our vision for a climate-neutral world is to become the world’s leading supplier of green steel, and we are working hard to achieve this goal. We understand that achieving our vision will require a collaborative effort from all stakeholders, including policymakers, the business community, and individuals.